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Priestly College

  /  Priestly College

A new home

Francisco Casas, L.C.


Dear Priests.

Welcome to the Pontifical Maria Mater Ecclesiae International College:
Coming to Rome is for a priest an opportunity, a grace, that allows him to develop to the fullest the talents that the Lord has given him and to be able to carry out the mission entrusted to him, better serving the Church and the souls entrusted to him.
It is a joy to be able to offer you in our college, not only a place suitable for personal study, but also a place where you can find the atmosphere of a priestly community, walking with the same ideal of holiness and apostolate. The experience of living together with other brothers in the priesthood of Christ from different parts of the world undoubtedly enriches and gives transcendence to one’s priesthood.
Of course, like many of the graces we receive, formation in Rome also requires a correspondence, a commitment. By choosing to come to our college, priests commit to a regimen of life, they know it is a proven framework to better take advantage of the opportunity to grow in their formation.

For this holy purpose, we ask the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, “Mater Ecclesiae” and of St. John Paul II, our protector and inspirer of this college.

P. Francisco Casas González, L.C.
Vice-Rector of the Community of Student Priests
Rome, September 12, 2023


José Meléndez, L.C.

Spiritual Director

Mauricio Ruiz, L.C.


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